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Published Papers
- Pugh, MW, Pandolfi, GS, Franklin TW, Gangloff MM. 2020. Influences of in-stream habitat and upstream land-use on site occupancy of an endemic darter species. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
- Fischer JL, Gangloff MM, Creed RP. 2020. The behavioral responses of 2 Appalachian crayfish to cool and warm spectrum LED lights at night. Freshwater Science DOI: 10.1086/707459.
- Kaeser AK, Smit R, Gangloff MM. 2019. Mapping and modeling the distribution, abundance and habitat associations of the endangered Fat threeridge in the Apalachicola River system. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:653-675.
- Hamstead BA, Hartfield PD, Jones RL, Gangloff MM. 2019. Changes to freshwater mussel assemblages after 25 years of impoundment and river habitat fragmentation. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 29:2162-2175.
- Green, MW, Sellers, SC, Gangloff MM, Jacobus LM, Blum P, Tuberty SR. 2019. Effects of habitat and Didymosphenia geminata on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in a southeastern USA tailwater river. Aquatic Ecology 53:607-628.
- Gangloff, MM. 2019. The importance of integrated taxonomy to freshwater conservation. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 29:521-527.
- Winebarger, MM, Pugh MW, Gangloff MM, Osbourn MS, Siefferman LM. 2018. Body size is positively correlated with conspicuous coloration in Ambystoma salamanders, but negatively correlated with conspicuous coloration in Plethodon salamanders. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:1-8.
- Pugh MW, Franklin T, Siefferman LS, Gangloff MM. 2018. A protocol for quantifying hellbender abundance and in-stream habitat. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 13:598-608.
- Geda S, Lujan, NK, Perkins MA, Abernethy EA, Sabaj MH, Gangloff MM. 2018. Multilocus phylogeny of the zebra mussel family Dreissenidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) reveals a fourth neotropical genus sister to all other genera. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127:1020-1033.
- Smith CH, Johnson NA, Pfeiffer JM III, Gangloff MM. 2018. Molecular and morphological data reveal extensive paraphyly in two freshwater mussel genera (Anodontoides and Strophitus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 119:50-62.
- Perkins MA, Gangloff MM, Johnson NA. 2017. Phylogeny of the critically endangered North American spinymussels. Conservation Genetics 18:745-757.
- Gangloff MM, Edgar GJ, Wilson B. 2016 Imperiled species in aquatic ecosystems: emerging threats, management and future prognoses. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26:858-871.
- Ewing T and Gangloff MM. In Press. Using changes in occupancy to detect population declines in aquatic species. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Kessler RA, Black TR, Fraley, SJ and Gangloff MM 2015 Molecular and morphological analyses reveal cryptic crayfish invasions in the Appalachian Mountains. Freshwater Crayfish 21:51-62.
- Adams SB, et al. 2015. New species records from the Sipsey Fork Drainage, including Lewis Smith Reservoir (Alabama, USA): Native or introduced species? Freshwater Crayfish 21:17-32.
- Pugh MW, Hutchins MS, Madritch M, Siefferman LM and Gangloff, MM. 2015. Land-use and local physicochemical parameters predict site occupancy of hellbender salamanders. Hydrobiolgia DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2570-0
- Moffitt DJ, Siefferman LM and Gangloff MM. 2015. Low prevalence of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochtrium dendrobatidis in the southern Appalachian mountains. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10:123-136
- Holcomb JM, Nichols RB and Gangloff MM. 2015. Effects of small dam condition and biogeography on stream fish community structure. Ecology of Freshwater Fish doi: 10.1111/eff.12233.
- Walker D, Holcomb J, Nichols R and Gangloff MM. 2015. Distribution and trophic ecology of introduced flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris in the Tar River, North Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 14:9-21
- Gangloff MM, Perkins MA, Blum P and Walker C. 2014. Effects of coal mining, forestry and road construction on Southern Appalachian stream invertebrates and habitats. Environmental Management 55:702-714
- Morgan SK, Pugh MW, Gangloff MM and Siefferman LM. 2014. The spots of the spotted salamander are sexually dimorphic. Copeia In Press.
- Thoni RJ, Holcomb J, Nichols R and Gangloff MM. 2014. Effects of Small Dams on Sunfish (Perciformes: Centrarchidae) Assemblages in North Carolina Piedmont and Coastal Plain Streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:97-103.
- Burress ED, Duarte A, Serra WS, Loueiro M, Gangloff MM and Siefferman LM. 2013. Evidence for ecologically-driven radiation in a predatory species flock. PLOS-1 8:e80929.
- Gangloff, M.M. 2013. Taxonomic and ecological tradeoffs associated with small dam removals. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23:475-480.
- Gangloff, M.M., Hamstead, B.A., Abernethy, E.F. and P.D. Hartfield. 2013. Genetic distinctiveness of Ligumia recta, the black sandshell, in the Mobile River Basin and implications for its conservation. Conservation Genetics 14:913-916.
- Burress, E. D., Gangloff, M. M. and L. M. Siefferman. 2013. Species-specific ontogenetic diet shifts among Neotropical Crenichichla using stable isotopes and tissue stoichiometry. Journal of Fish Biology 82:1904-1915.
- Abernethy, E. A., Singer, E. E., Siefferman, L. M. and M. M. Gangloff. 2013. Effects of small dams on freshwater mussel population genetics in 2 southeastern USA streams. Walkerana 16:21-28.
- Pugh, M. W., Groves, J. C., Williams, L. A. and M. M. Gangloff. 2013. A previously undocumented Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) population in the Elk River, Carter County, Tennessee Southeastern Naturalist 12:137-142.
- Burress, E. D., Gangloff, M. M. and L. Siefferman. 2013. Trophic analysis of two subtropical South American freshwater crabs using stable isotope ratios. Hydrobiologia 702:5-13.
- Burress, E. D., Gangloff, M. M. and L. Siefferman. 2013. Isotopic trophic guild structure of a diverse subtropical South American fish community Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 22:66-72.
- Helms, B. S., Werneke, D. C., Gangloff, M. M., Hartfield, E. E. and J. W. Feminella. 2011. The influence of low-head dams on fish assemblages in streams across Alabama. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30:1095-1106.
- Gangloff, M. M., Hartfield, E. E., Werneke, D. C., and J. W. Feminella. 2011. Associations between small dams and mollusk assemblages in Alabama streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30:1107-1116.
- Singer, E. E. and M. M. Gangloff. 2011. Effect of a small dam on freshwater mussel growth in an Alabama USA stream. Freshwater Biology 56:1904-1915
- Gangloff, M. M., Siefferman, L. M., Seesock, W. A., and Webber, C. W. 2009 Effects of urban tributaries on freshwater mussel abundance in a biologically diverse piedmont (USA) stream. Hydrobiologia 636:191-201
- Gangloff, M. M. and P. D. Hartfield. 2009. Seven new populations of the southern kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus jonesi) discovered in the Pea and Choctawhatchee river drainages, Alabama. Southeastern Naturalist 8(2)245-254
- Gangloff, M. M., J. W. Feminella and K. L. Lenertz. 2008. Analysis of the reproductive and physiological effects of parasitic mites and trematodes on freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Hydrobiologia 610:25-31
- Gangloff, M. M. and J. W. Feminella. 2007a. The influence of bankfull and baseflow stream hydraulic parameters on freshwater mussel assemblages in the Coosa River Drainage, Alabama. Freshwater Biology 52:64-74.
- Gangloff, M. M. and J. W. Feminella. 2007b. The distribution and status of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Upper Alabama River Drainage, Alabama Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural History 25:24-70.
- Sorrell, G. G., S. K. Hoss, and M. M. Gangloff. 2007. Chelydra serpentina (Common snapping turtle) Diet Herpetological Review 37(4):455.
- Gangloff, M. M., J. D. Williams, and J. W. Feminella. 2006. Pleurobema athearni, a new species of freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the Coosa River Drainage, Alabama- Zootaxa 1118:43-56.
- Gangloff, M. M. and G. W. Folkerts. 2006. Occurrence of the Salamander mussel (Simpsonaias ambigua) in the Duck River, central Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 5:53-56.
- Kerans, B. L., M. F. Dybdahl, M. M. Gangloff, and J. E. Jannot. 2005. Potamopyrgus antipodarum: distribution, abundance and effects on native macroinvertebrates in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24:123-139.
- Stone, J., S. Barndt, and M. Gangloff. 2004. Spatial distribution, habitat use, and population structure of the western pearlshell mussel (Margaritifera falcata) in a Washington stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19:341-352.
- Fritz, K. M., M. M. Gangloff, and J. W. Feminella. 2004. Habitat modification by the stream macrophytes Justicia americana and its effects on biota. Oecologia 140:388-397.
- Dwyer, P. W., B. W. Kerans, and M. M. Gangloff. 2003. Effect of Acute Exposure to Chlorine, Copper Sulfate, and Heat on the Survival of the New Zealand Mud Snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Intermountain Journal of Sciences 9 2/3:53-59.
- Billie L. Kerans, M. F. Dybdahl, and M. M. Gangloff. 2000. The New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, an aquatic invader in North America. Dreissena 10(5): 1-4.
- Gangloff, M. M. and D. L. Gustafson. 2000. The freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) of Montana. Central Plains Archaeology 8(1):121-130.
- Gangloff, M. M. 1998. The New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in western North America; distribution and potential impacts. Aquatic Nuisance Species Digest 2(3): 27-30.
- Pugh, MW, Pandolfi, GS, Franklin TW, Gangloff MM. 2020. Influences of in-stream habitat and upstream land-use on site occupancy of an endemic darter species. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
- Fischer JL, Gangloff MM, Creed RP. 2020. The behavioral responses of 2 Appalachian crayfish to cool and warm spectrum LED lights at night. Freshwater Science DOI: 10.1086/707459.
- Kaeser AK, Smit R, Gangloff MM. 2019. Mapping and modeling the distribution, abundance and habitat associations of the endangered Fat threeridge in the Apalachicola River system. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:653-675.
- Hamstead BA, Hartfield PD, Jones RL, Gangloff MM. 2019. Changes to freshwater mussel assemblages after 25 years of impoundment and river habitat fragmentation. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 29:2162-2175.
- Green, MW, Sellers, SC, Gangloff MM, Jacobus LM, Blum P, Tuberty SR. 2019. Effects of habitat and Didymosphenia geminata on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in a southeastern USA tailwater river. Aquatic Ecology 53:607-628.
- Gangloff, MM. 2019. The importance of integrated taxonomy to freshwater conservation. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 29:521-527.
- Winebarger, MM, Pugh MW, Gangloff MM, Osbourn MS, Siefferman LM. 2018. Body size is positively correlated with conspicuous coloration in Ambystoma salamanders, but negatively correlated with conspicuous coloration in Plethodon salamanders. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:1-8.
- Pugh MW, Franklin T, Siefferman LS, Gangloff MM. 2018. A protocol for quantifying hellbender abundance and in-stream habitat. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 13:598-608.
- Geda S, Lujan, NK, Perkins MA, Abernethy EA, Sabaj MH, Gangloff MM. 2018. Multilocus phylogeny of the zebra mussel family Dreissenidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) reveals a fourth neotropical genus sister to all other genera. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127:1020-1033.
- Smith CH, Johnson NA, Pfeiffer JM III, Gangloff MM. 2018. Molecular and morphological data reveal extensive paraphyly in two freshwater mussel genera (Anodontoides and Strophitus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 119:50-62.
- Perkins MA, Gangloff MM, Johnson NA. 2017. Phylogeny of the critically endangered North American spinymussels. Conservation Genetics 18:745-757.
- Gangloff MM, Edgar GJ, Wilson B. 2016 Imperiled species in aquatic ecosystems: emerging threats, management and future prognoses. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26:858-871.