Dr. Michael Gangloff
Professor, Freshwater Conservation Biology
Email Address: gangloffmm@appstate.edu
Office Phone: (828) 262-7790
Cell Phone: (334) 332-1533
Office: Rankin Science North 217
Laboratory Manager
Elijah Thompson
Email Address: thompsonej2@appstate.edu
Thompson started out as an undergraduate assistant in Dr. Gangloff's lab in Fall 2018. Since then, she has gained experience working in many aquatic ecosystems and with diverse animal taxa, including freshwater mussels, snails, fish, macroinvertebrates, hellbenders and other amphibian species. Thompson's interests are based in applied conservation of freshwater environments with a special focus on freshwater invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians.
- Erin Abernethy ’11
- Rebekah Ewing ’22
- Raquel Fagundo ’16
- Justin Fischer ’16
- Thomas "Tommy" Franklin ’14 ’16
- Sam Fritz ’17 ’20
- Victoria Fowler ’16 ’23
- Henry Gates ’24
- Susan Geda ’14 ’17
- Byron Hamstead ’13
- Tyler Hickman
- Rachael Hoch ’12
- Jordan Holcomb ’13
- Ray Kessler ’14
- Hans Lohmeyer ’20
- Daniel Mason ’15 ’17
- Erin Singer McCombs ’07 ’10
- Megan McCormick ’12
- Amber Olson ’17 ’21
- Freddy Ortega ’16 ’20
- Gary Pandolfi ’13 ’16
- Michael Perkins ’12 ’14
- Worth Pugh ’10 ’13
- Katie Rifenburg ’09 ’13
- Chantelle Rondel ’19
- Elyse Russing ’15
- Vincent Santini
- Michael Thompson ’18 ’20
- Ryan Thoni ’11
- Dan Walker ’12
- Jon Wells
- Brandon Williams ’18 ’23
- Hannah Woodburn ’19 ’23