Congratulations to Biology Faculty: Pablo Chialvo and Maryam Ahmed

A congratulations goes out to Dr. Pablo Chialvo on winning both the CAS Academy of Outstanding Teachers Award and Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award and CAS Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award. 

Another congratulations goes out to Dr. Maryam Ahmed for garnering the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching

The Department of Biology was well represented this year with the following nominations:

Dr. Clare Scott Chialvo nominated for CAS William C. Strickland Outstanding Junior Faculty Award; 

Dr. David Nieman nominated for CAS Donald W. Sink Family Outstanding Scholar Award ;

Ms. Jen McGuinn nominated for CAS Outstanding Staff Award;

Dr. Jon Davenport nominated for CAS Donald W. Sink Family Outstanding Scholar Award; 

Dr. Sarah Marshburn nominated for CAS Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award and 

Dr. Maryam Ahmed, Dr. Andrew Bellemer, Dr. Mary Kinkel, Dr. Howard Neufeld, Dr. Steven Seagle, Dr. Darren Seals, Dr. Shea Tuberty and Dr. John Walker were all nominated for Richard N. Henson Outstanding Advising Award. 

Congratulations to the 2022-23 College of Arts and Science Award recipients

Published: Nov 6, 2023 11:31am
