Richard Henson Biology Endowed Field Trip Fund

For Undergraduates Doing Field Research in Biology

This scholarship provides funding to undergraduates who are doing field research in Biology. Only undergraduates majoring in Biology are eligible to apply. A total of approximately $500 is available each academic year and funds could be granted to one or more students. This grant is designed to fund costs associated with outside of the classroom, faculty-mentored, student-based biology research projects in the field. Funds can be used for research supplies and/or travel expenses related to the project. This grant is NOT designed to cover costs associated with class projects, class assignments or any activities that are associated with traditional "in the classroom courses", nor is it designed to fund travel to scientific meetings.


In order to justify awarding a field research scholarship, the Department of Biology must have a descriptive Project Title and a detailed Project Description and Budget Justification. In addition, there must be a Faculty Mentor. Projects should be discussed and reviewed with the faculty mentor prior to submission. The following are some suggestions for your proposal preparation:

  1. Discuss and design the proposed field research project with your Faculty mentor.

  2. Establish the appropriate study design or methods.

  3. Decide on the materials/funding needed for the project and obtain specifics regarding cost for each item. Explain the purpose of the requested items (including travel costs) as they relate to the research question and methods.

  4. Described a tentative timeline regarding aspects of the project.

  5. If applicable, prepare the appropriate IRB or IACUC documentation and obtain the appropriate field access, field collection and/or import permits. Please see the website for further information regarding Research Protections (

To Apply

  1. Using the application below, submit your request for funding, which should include the title of the project, a narrative describing what will be done, and a budget with budget justification.

  2. Have your Faculty mentor associated with the project complete a recommendation letter and submit it to

  3. If applicable, determine the need for IRB and/or IACUC approval and/or field access, field collection and/or import permits, as funds cannot be spent until approval has been obtained. If approved, please submit the date when approval was granted.
  4. Contact the administrative assistant in the Biology Department to complete a travel authorization-funding will not be awarded until a travel authorization is completed.

Award Notifications

There is no deadline for this award. However, the award competition will open each fall at the beginning of the school year, and remain open until all current year funds are expended. Applications will be accepted in all semesters: Fall, Spring, and Summer Sessions 1 and 2.


  • Original receipts or invoices will be required for verification and all receipts must reflect a zero balance and be in the student's name. Faculty cannot be reimbursed for expenses claimed on any grant application.

  • All Research funds MUST be completely expended by the end of the fiscal year in which they are awarded. Field Research Funding does NOT roll over at the end of each fiscal year (June 30).

  • Receipts must be submitted within 30 days of the expenditure and must reflect charges made after the official grant award date.

  • All ASU Policies and Procedures must be adhered to when spending Research Grant monies. Any non-approved expenditures will be the sole responsibility of the student.