Seminar: North Carolina Native Plant Society Presentations

North Carolina Native Plant Society Presentations
Vanessa Gremler, Appalachian State University (Dr. Rose)
Laura Hamon, NC State University (Dr. Irwin)
Jessica Roach, UNC Wilmington (Dr. Penneys)
Ben Brewer, Appalachian State University (Dr. Estep)
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Biology Department seminar for Feb 17 featured 4 research students who are recipients of the Shinn Grant from the North Carolina Native Plant Society. Each student presented a 10-15 talk.

The students, their affiliations (mentors) and titles are listed below.

Vanessa Gremler, Appalachian State University (Dr. Rose)
Title of project: Analysis of AChE Inhibitors in Huperzia lucidula endophytes.

Laura Hamon, NC State University (Dr. Irwin)
Title of project: Pollination ecology of Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula).

Jessica Roach, UNC Wilmington (Dr. Penneys)
Title of project: Lysimachia asperulifolia; a Population Genetics Study of rough-leaved yellow loosestrife throughout its Natural Range.

Ben Brewer, Appalachian State University (Dr. Estep)
Title of project: Demographic monitoring and investigation of hybridization in Lilium grayi.