- B.S. Chemistry - Western Carolina University
- Ph.D. Biochemistry - Wake Forest University
Professional Experience:
- Postdoctoral, University of Utah - Cardiovascular Research Training Institute
- Research Associate, Duke University - Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development
Teaching Specialties:
- Cell Biology
- Biology of Aging
Areas of Expertise:
- Lipid Biochemistry
- Snake Venom Phospholipases
- Microbial Biofuel Production
Current Courses:
- Cell Biology
- Biology of Aging
- Current Controversies in Biotechnology
- First Year Seminar/ Honors Seminar
My research focuses on the role of lipids in biology. In the past the work was mostly about signaling whereas now it focuses on metabolism.
I have recently worked on the use of microalgae as a biofuel source. We have been trying to maximize triglyceride production through environmental stressors. We have also worked on developing a attachment substrate for growth to improve wastewater purification and biomass harvesting.
We have also been working on the inhibition of phospholipases that play a major role in tissue damage associated with bites from pit vipers, such as rattlesnakes and copperheads with the goal of developing an antivenin. We have found evidence of a serum phospholipase inhibitor. We are working to determine its structure as well as its specificity toward different isoforms of phospholipase A2.

Title: Professor , Honors College Academic Advisor - Biology and Preprofessions, Antivenin, Biofuels
Department: Department of Biology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6513