- 2010 Ph.D. University of Missouri, Biology
- 2002 M.Ed. University of Missouri, Curriculum and Instruction
- 1996 B.S. University of Iowa, Science Education
Professional Experience:
- 2010-Present Associate Professor; Department of Biology, Appalachian State University
- 2000-2003 Coordinator, Gender Equity in Physics; Physics Department, University of Missouri
- 1997-2000 Middle School Science Teacher; Columbia (Missouri) Public Schools
- Science Education
- Science Teacher Education
- Ecology, ecological genetics, and behavior
- Plants and pollinators
- Alpine Ecosystems
- History and Philosophy of Science
Research interests:
For more information see my website
My unusual combination of professional experiences have led me to research interests that span two broad but interconnected realms: Ecology and Science Education. Within ecology I am interested in
- Partner dynamics in pollination mutualisms across varying spatial and temporal scales
- Population biology and genetics of plants and eusocial pollinators, especially bumble bees
- Links between individual behavior of animals and effects that manifest at larger scales
- The implications of climate change and extreme climatic events for pollination mutualisms
- Using quantitative models to further understanding of population biology and ecology
My educational research interests are united by a single theme: The effective preparation of science educators from their pre-service preparation throughout their teaching careers.
Selected Publications:
2015. Miller-Struttmann, N.E., J.C. Geib, J.D. Franklin, P.G. Kevan, R.M. Holdo, D. Ebert-May, J.A. Kettenbach, E. Hedrick, and C. Galen. Functional mismatch in a bumble bee pollination mutualism under climate change. Science 349:1541-1544.
2015. Geib, J.C., J. Strange, and C. Galen. Bumble bee nest abundance, foraging distance, and host-plant reproduction: Implications for management and conservation. Ecological Applications 25: 768–778.
2012. Geib, J.C. and C. Galen. Tracing impacts of partner abundance in facultative pollination mutualisms: from individuals to populations. Ecology 93: 1581-92.
2011. Galen, C., R. Kaczorowski, S.L. Todd, J. Geib, and R.A. Raguso. Dosage-dependent impacts of a floral volatile compound on pollinators, larcenists, and the potential for floral evolution in the Alpine Skypilot Polemonium viscosum. The American Naturalist 177: 258-272.
2006. Galen, C. and J. C. Geib. Conditions for evolution in a pollination mutualism: density dependent effects of nectar-thieving ants on selection for bumblebee pollination in the alpine wildflower, Polemonium viscosum. Ecology 88: 1202-1209.
2003. Chandrasekhar, M. and J.C. Geib. Hands-on Physics Programs for Middle Level Students. Women in Engineering Programs and Advocates Network (WEPAN) Conference Proceedings.
2002. Chandrasekhar, M.., R. Litherland, and J.C. Geib. Exploring Physics-Electricity and Magnetism: Hands-On Activities for Middle Grades (CD-ROM).

Title: Associate Professor , Assistant Chair for Student Affairs, Ecology and Science Teacher Education
Department: Department of Biology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-2174