Dr. Gangloff received his Ph.D. from Auburn University in 2003. His research interests include population and community ecology, taxonomy, systematics and the impacts of human-driven environmental changes on sensitive aquatic organisms. Ongoing research projects include 1) understanding effects of small dams on stream mussels and fishes in eastern North Carolina, 2) assessing impacts of large-scale flow modifications an endangered mussel population in Florida, 3) dynamics of crayfish invasions in the North Carolina mountains, 4) effects of beavers on stream ecosystems and endangered mussels, 5) impacts of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway on endangered mussel populations in Mississippi, 6) effects of ski areas and artificial snow production on North Carolina mountain streams and 7) impacts of changing landuse on Eastern hellbender populations in the Watauga River Drainage. Dr. Gangloff also teaches Conservation Biology, Ecology labs, and graduate seminar courses.
Selected Publications:
Gangloff, M. M., Hartfield, E. E., Werneke, D. C., and J. W. Feminella. In Press. Associations between small dams and mollusk assemblages in Alabama streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Helms, B. S., Werneke, D. C., Gangloff, M. M., Hartfield, E. E. and J. W. Feminella. In Press. The influence of low-head dams on fish assemblages in streams across Alabama. Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Singer, E. E. and M. M. Gangloff. 2011. Effect of a small dam on freshwater mussel growth in an Alabama USA stream. Freshwater Biology 56:1904-1915
Gangloff, M. M., Siefferman, L. M., Seesock, W. A., and Webber, C. W. 2009 Effects of urban tributaries on freshwater mussel abundance in a biologically diverse piedmont (USA) stream. Hydrobiologia 636:191-201
Gangloff, M. M. and P. D. Hartfield. 2009. Seven new populations of the southern kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus jonesi) discovered in the Pea and Choctawhatchee river drainages, Alabama. Southeastern Naturalist 8(2)245-254
Gangloff, M. M., J. W. Feminella and K. L. Lenertz. 2008. Analysis of the reproductive and physiological effects of parasitic mites and trematodes on freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Hydrobiologia 610:25-31
Gangloff, M. M. and J. W. Feminella. 2007. The influence of bankfull and baseflow stream hydraulic parameters on freshwater mussel assemblages in the Coosa River Drainage, Alabama. Freshwater Biology 52:64-74.

Title: Professor, Freshwater Conservation Biology
Department: Department of Biology
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-7790